What is Technology?

What is Technology? : Technology is a lot more than what people think. Technology is a change in practical life purposes by means of scientific methods.

Any transformation, invention, or innovation regarding the development of mankind is purely technological.

Technology is derived from two Greek words: techne, and logos. Techne means art, craft, technique, or skill. Whereas logos means reason, plan, and the word, the phrase by which an inner thought is expressed, or a saying or an expression. Technology has a basic role in altering and manipulating human life. The modifications done by the scientific method that change human life in any aspect are technology. Our environment has become so much more advanced and easy thanks to the innovations of science, so we can say that this kind of advancement that modifies the human environment is technology.


In this present era, we are experiencing technology at every step of our lives. The smartphone is the most common gadget that we use. Likewise, cars, bikes, etc. Television and the internet are also major examples of inventions. Home appliances, medical health instruments, and energy sources are some further examples of technology.

Types of Technology:

There are 6 types of technology. These are the following:

  1. Communication
  2. Electrical
  3. Energy
  4. Mechanical
  5. Transportation
  6. Medical

1) Communicational Technology:

Technology in communications

Communication is defined as the engagement and interaction of two or more people.From a time when humans used to interact and contact each other through letters to sending a single text to someone sitting in the opposite direction, technology has changed the entire experience of human interaction.Any means of communication that people use to communicate with each other is an example of communication technology. Let’s say, mobile phones, the internet, television, etc.

It is the most positive use of technology. It has now become so easy to communicate with each other using the internet. Applications that are used to communicate with other people are also examples of communication technology. Like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

2) Electrical Technology:

 technology in electronics

Electricity is the most commonly used thing, for homes and industrial purposes. We cannot imagine life without electricity because almost everything in our daily life depends upon it.

Any invention that advances the means of electricity and distributes it is considered electrical technology.

Electrical technology deals with all kinds of instruments, tools, devices, and gadgets that use electricity, and the flow of charge through them.

Just because of the advancement in electrical technology, we are now able to use the charge and flow of electrons in any form, like we are now able to produce high and low voltage.  For example, a computer and any kind of technology that transmits signals, such as audio signals, or electric signals. Artificial intelligence and software applications such as navigation are prime examples of electric technology.Generators, motors, electricity transmitters, and distributors are also important examples of technology.

3) Energy:

Technology in energy

Energy is the only thing that cannot be created, so it’s very important to save and conserve it. The techniques that store and generate energy for different purposes are examples of technologies that deal with energy. For example, solar panels are the best source of energy-generating technologies. Likewise, wind turbines and batteries are also perfect examples of technologies that deal with energy.

Solar panels change heat energy into electrical energy, likewise, wind turbines change mechanical energy into electric energy. All of the devices used in this process are technological and energy-related in nature. Technology has made us able not only to convert energy but to save it too. Any scientific method that is used for energy-related purposes is an excellent and clean example of energy technology.

4) Mechanical:

technology in mechanics

Mechanics is the vast field of engineering that deals with the production and development of gadgets to serve mankind. The machines that change and advance human life are mechanical technologies.

Human life is now slowly converting into complete dependence on machines and robots. The technology and inventions related to machines that change human life are types of mechanical technology. Like manufacturing plants, heavy systems, and equipment. These technologies not only serve mankind but also do accurate and precise work.

The advancement of machines has now made human work easier and smarter. According to the estimate, about 53% of human activities are done by machines.

5) Transportation:


In comparison to the past, it is now much easier to travel, and there are a lot of improvements, thanks to technology. So, every kind of technology that is used for transport or that advances the transportation of humans is an example of transportation technology. It can be an improvement in the transport and movement of goods from one place to another. Any mode of travel is transportation technology.

Technology has now made it easier and faster for people or goods to go to their destinations. From riding horses and camels to gasoline vehicles, and now from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles, this advancement is just because of technology. Examples of transportation are airplanes, trains, GPS, cars, buses, underground tunnels, and other vehicles, etc.

6) Medical:


The methods and inventions that help to improve people’s health and maintain their life are considered medical techniques.

Another definition of medical technology is the technology that recognises, diagnoses, treats, improves, or reduces human health issues.

The use of devices and instruments that deal with human health is a pure example of medical advancement and innovation. Just because of technology, it has now become easy to treat and diagnose different diseases.


We cannot imagine life without machines, instruments, and the advancement of science. This is, in short, it has changed our environment and made it easier for us to live. It has both positive and negative aspects. It, like everything else, has advantages and disadvantages. But it is all in the hands of human beings. Excess use of everything is dangerous. We cannot ignore the fact that tech has helped mankind in every aspect of life and at every stage. Science is growing day by day, and thus we are able to see an increase in the advancement of innovations.

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