Pollution due to Urbanization

We often think of urbanization as a positive trend. To a large extent, it is rightfully so. But it has also negative effects on environment.Lets discuss, How Pollution is caused due to Urbanization.

What is urbanization?

Urbanization refers to the movement of the population from rural to urban areas. The process by which large numbers of people migrate from rural areas to urban areas and become a permanent part of that society is urbanization.

In addition to this,

Urbanization is the process of transforming rural villages and areas into modern cities through the construction of roads, buildings, schools and offices.

What is Pollution?

Air Pollution caused by Urbanization
Industries Emitting Smoke causing Air Pollution

Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment. These substances are known as pollutants.

Pollution is me be air, land and water pollution.


Urbanization is often considered as a positive trend. To a large extent, it is. We know how remote areas are developed, and huge infrastructures are built as part of urbanization. It creates many educational and employment opportunities so that people can live better lives.

Pollution due to urbanization

Because urbanization involves setting up factories, increasing vehicles and building roads.

So pollution is caused by urbanization through air, water, soil, land and noise.

A view of Industrial Pollution caused by Urbanization
Industrial Pollution caused by Urbanization

The following are the negative impact of urbanization:

Harmful gases

Due to urbanization, factories and industries are opening in different places and the number of vehicles on the roads is increasing. Air and gases emitted from factories and vehicles pollute the atmosphere, causing pollution.

The air in the cities has become toxic due to the harmful gases and fumes coming out from vehicles and factories.

Industrial wastage:

Domestic and industrial wastes are dumped into water bodies, thus rendering them unsafe for use and consumption. Human and industrial wastes are increasing drastically due to the increase in population due to urbanization.

Cutting Down Of Trees

Trees are cut down to build houses and buildings. We know that trees carry out photosynthesis and through this process, they clean the CO2 released by living organisms and produce oxygen. A decrease in the number of trees causes a decrease in oxygen production. We all know that humans cannot survive without oxygen.

Noise Pollution

Urbanization leads to a significant increase in noise pollution and land pollution. Due to the increase in the number of factories, vehicles, machines, etc., noise pollution is increasing enormously.


Eventually, people will struggle to get clean food and water to survive and suffer from many health problems. Furthermore, our environment will deteriorate as all our natural resources are depleted, resulting in conditions such as global warming, deforestation and acid rain.

We must think about it seriously.

Read National Geographic Report on Urban Threats

Measures To Take

1) Increase the plantation of trees and greenery.

2) Recycle industrial wastage.

3) Use public transport despite using a private vehicle to reduce the impact of harmful gases on the air caused by vehicles.

4) By spreading awareness and addressing the problems and pollution caused by urbanization to the people.

5) Industries should also take care to use non-toxic chemicals or materials and install efficient machines.

6) We must ensure proper disposal of industrial waste without dumping it into water or land.

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