Should Education be free?

Education is the greatest weapon for people in this era and is highly important for a person to succeed in life. So the mean question is Should Education be Free? To know this first understand What Exactly is Education?

Education means studying to gain deeper knowledge and understanding of various subjects applied to daily life. Knowledge and Education is not limited to book but can also be acquired through practical experiences outside the classroom. Education is the process of accelerating learning and acquiring knowledge, values ​​and virtues.

Why Is Education Important?

  • Education provides stability in life, and it is something that no one can ever take away from you.
  • Education helps you develop important skills like decision-making mental agility, problem-solving, and logical thinking.
  • It helps people become better citizens, get better-paying jobs, and show the difference between good and bad.
  • Helps us grow and develop a better society.
  • The primary purpose of education is to provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that will enable people to develop their full potential and become successful members of society.

And much more.

One perspective

Some people believe that organizations and institutes can not run with out money. They say how electricity and other expenses including the monthly salary of the teachers will be paid if education is given free.

Other perspective

 Education has been made very expensive. And a poor child is deprived of the wealth of education. So, isn’t education the right of every child? Can’t every child get the same and better education? Aren’t all humans equal?

Know Some Pros and Cons of Free Education

What measures should be taken then?

 In our opinion, either the government should provide absolutely free education to every child whose family cannot afford the cost of education. Education is the first right of every child and no one should be deprived of it.

And this matter should be kept a secret between the government and that family because in this way people will not think less of them and children will not have any kind of emotional burden.

Or else education should be made completely free and the same education should be given in every institution according to the current situation and the expenses should be borne by the government and paid from the taxes.

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