Contribution Of Technology To Education

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to compensate for the practical purposes of human life. It is becoming an integral part of life with each passing day. It has become an urgent need in all areas, including homes, businesses, jobs, hospitals, and education. In this article we will read about Contribution Of Technology To Education.

How Technology is Contributing in Education?

When we talk about the use of technology in education, there are numerous benefits. With the help of technology, teaching has become much easier and more flexible, benefiting both students and teachers.

Students can interact with different expert teachers anywhere and anytime in the world with the help of different platforms. Progress in education can be seen clearly as students can get their questions answered with just a single click. Teachers can prepare their lectures more accurately and precisely.

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Technology has benefited the education system in the following ways:


Contribution Of Technology To Education, Tablet showing Different Multi-media Channels
Tablet showing Different Multi-media Channels

A user can negotiate, interchange, fabricate, and interface through the use of computer tools like text, audio, and video links and graphics. In research, multimedia is defined as a melody sung in harmony with multi-modal bits and multi-channels of creation and knowledge.

Easily accessible:

In today’s era, everything is in our hands: our computers, laptops, and mobile phones. School today is way different because here, learners have access to everything in the world, whether they want to visit a historical place or they want to go into space. Everything is provided to them, which makes it easy for a student to learn and memorise things. In short, it connects the student to the real world.

It used to take a long time to calculate things when the computer was first invented and the abacus was used for counting. But now it is a game of seconds just by entering the values in calculator and getting the desired result. Also various solutions by different teachers, in the form of video lectures are also available for student’s convenience.


Contribution Of Technology To Education, Easy Learning with the Help of Technology

Preparing Students for the Workforce:

To prosper in the 22nd century, it is necessary for every student to have a basic knowledge of e-commerce and technological tools. As students, they can at least pay their Netflix bills by working part-time online at various platforms.

Technology as a fun factor:

Using technological methodologies in classrooms to add a fun factor to their studies makes them memorise things easily and conveniently. More than just studying in a proper medium, learning games have been launched through which children learn a lot of things while playing. Toddlers of today almost know all the poems, alphabets, and numerals even before going to schools. As they have already learned them from their cell phones.

Supports different types of learners:

There are various types of students with varying IQ levels, and technology assists them in developing the art of critical thinking in them, which allows them to learn new skills and communicate their ideas through various creative means. We can see how technology contributes to education by investigating different students’ preferences and learning styles, whether they are solitary, visual, lingual, coherent, or corporeal. 

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